Saturday, August 3, 2013

The Lovely Hyacinth Bean

The Lovely Hyacinth Bean
My first bloom

I first saw this lovely plant at a friend's house. It was growing up the side of a garden gazebo and the pink/mauve blossoms were falling over the side making a lovely show.

I thought I must try and grow a hyacinth bean plant next year. The next year came and I finally tracked down some bean seeds. These were not in my local gardening shops and I had to send away to an internet store to get them. It was late in the year and although I planted them and they grew, they were spindly plants and the blossoms were pathetic. I mentioned this to my friend Priscilla who is one of those ladies that was born not only with green thumbs but all her fingers are green as well, She said “I have that plant growing in my garden I'll save you some seeds and you can try again”. And so I did. She actually brought me a couple of self-set tiny plants as well as some beans and told me to plant them in a place where they could get lots of sun.

Well the tiny one she gave me flourished despite the grasshoppers. The other 3 that I planted , 2 are mediocre and one is definitely poorly. 
The beans form in these beautiful purple pods

So I was so happy to see the beautiful bloom appearing on my one good plant. I am hoping to get more blooms and maybe I shall be able to save some bean seeds to plant again next year. I am ever hopeful.

1 comment:

  1. What a beautiful bush , the flowers look more sweet peas
    any spare seeds would love one to try.
