Saturday, September 7, 2013

Baby Shirley

Baby Shirley

I thought for a bit about what I could write and came up with the idea of finding all the old photos of me and writing a bit about each one. Not very thrilling for anyone reading this blog but when I have to come up with something to write/draw/paint/photo each day and I have done this now for well over 230 times this year it gets to be a real challenge not to repeat myself. 
May be interesting to my kids and grandkids if they ever read it.
So here goes.
Shirley- the beginning.
I couldn't find many baby photos but that is probably because I was born in Ipswich,England in 1938 at the start of WW 2 so I can imagine life was difficult then for my parents. They had just come through a difficult time during the depression years and cameras and film were expensive. This was probably a studio photo and nearly everyone born at this time had one of these taken. I'm just happy mine wasn't the type where the baby is lying on a fur quite naked!!

I  was a very small baby only weighing about 2.5lbs when I was born. I guess that was because I was induced prematurely as my mom had toxemia or I think that is what happened from what she said. I probably spent quite a little while in the hospital. I know on the back of this photo in pencil it says 'Shirley- 4 months". I can see I was very little at 4 months compared to most 4month babies but maybe that's what was meant to be as I have stayed little since then. Anyhow, after a uncertain start , that was the beginning.

1 comment:

  1. We were born in the same year! 1938 must have been very special.
