Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Dances from Yesteryear

Dances from Yesteryear
When I was thinking about yesterday's party blog, I remembered that as we got older and went to bigger parties with lots of older adults the party would almost always develop into what I like to call group dances. I remembered one when I was talking with my friend Ruth at Saturday's party and between us we remembered the wordsand even the easy steps. I bet this brings back memories to some people.
The Hokey Pokey
You put your right hand in,
You put your right hand out,
You put your right hand in,
And you shake it all about,
You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around
That what it's all about.
We even managed to perform the actions but couldn't seem to get the other folk interested. The other dance which was very popular especially with older ( middle aged folk was

Knees up Mother Brown  Knees up Mother Brown
Under the table you must go
Ee-aye, Ee-aye, Ee-aye-oh
If I catch you bending  I'll saw your legs right off
Knees up, knees up  Never get the breeze up
Knees up Mother Brown
This was performed in a circle and the circle would sway in and out with everyone high stepping( knees up) and the singing got louder and louder and everyone had a good old time ( as far as I can remember)!
Enjoying the conga

And I can't finish this blog without remembering the Conga.
This was much loved by teenagers and younger adults. In it you form a long line with everyone holding onto the persons' waist in front and then you perform the Conga as the line moves slowly forward. On the beat “cong A” you all stick your left leg out in unison, then at the next congA out goes the right leg.The line snakes it's way in and out tables and chairs collecting people as it goes .
Great fun.

1 comment:

  1. Loved those dances too, but cannot remember the last time I Hokey Poked!
    You have been a party animal in your life Shirley, carry on the good work and enjoy!
