Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Glorious Sunflower


Just another of my very favorite flowers. You can't help feeling happy when you see them. At least I can't. I haven't had much success in growing them in my garden. I have tried quite a few times with all kinds of seeds but none came up or came up only to die before a flower bloomed. 

This year , the birds took my failure in hand and planted some seeds all over the yard so here and there we have tall sunflowers and some are actually blooming. Of course, the culprit gardeners just might be the squirrels as they love to snack at the bird feeders as well.And guess what we have in the feeders? Sunflower seeds.
I feel another painting coming on and I haven't painted the poppies yet!!


  1. When you press the facebook button "to share" there is an arrow which lets you choose the picture you want

  2. I think your garden has so many opportunies for painting, a great way to sew seed
    just to see what comes up! photos are so handy to keep for painting any time of the year.
    mind you I'm still waiting for our Iris to come up
