Saturday, May 11, 2013

Then & Now

Then & Now
Denton train station

I am a bit behind with my blogs because my friend Karen has been staying with us for a few days.
While she was here she picked up a book of the town where we lived in England many years ago. As she read out bits and pieces and asked questions I realized I know a fair amount about “then “ but not much about “now” of the place where I grew up.
We don't always realize that change is happening on a continual basis until we look back over the years at old photos. A good thing to do once in a while.

Brand new train

While she was here we visited Denton, TX the small town close to us. It has recently started the railway service with a brand new train that travels into Dallas . Most of these small towns around here were originally linked by the railway but like many other things over the recent years disappeared. So we were please to see the brand new station and shiny new train.
Maybe one day we will ride on it to the big city!!
Wall painting of Old Denton station.

1 comment:

  1. Schomberg used to have a train station and line, it lasted about 20 years and then the Automobile arrived.
    The Station is still here a little house now
