Saturday, July 20, 2013

Meet Egbert the Egret

Meet Egbert the Egret

Portrait by Shirley.

Help has arrived to fight the grasshopper invasion!

Every morning if you get up early enough and go out in our yard, there he is , stalking along with his head bobbing up and down, catching his breakfast- grasshoppers!

If the dogs bark or chase him he flies off with a majestic flap of his wings. When he almost bumped into Cooper , the white cat ,who was out for his morning stroll, Egbert looked at Cooper and Cooper looked at Egbert, then both decided this white creature was not one of their own kind and so turned around and went their separate ways.

It is unusual to see an egret in the garden by itself. They usual are in big flocks that descend on a grove of trees and make a rookery with lots of nests, lots of noise and lots of mess. It can be quite a problem as the egret is on the list of endangered birds I think so they can't be moved and have to be tolerated until the nesting season is over.

The other place you will see them is out in the fields following the cows and eating the insects stirred up by the cattle.
So we were quite surprised to see Egbert the solitary bird in our yard but we welcome him.

Anything that will help kill grasshoppers is welcome!!

1 comment:

  1. I like your picture very striking with the blue background,
    you Habe. very different birds out your way I thought the
    egrets live in Jamaica, they seem to like a high position
    riding on the backs of cows grazing . At least I think
    they're Egrets. nice picture
