Sunday, November 3, 2013

Changing the clocks

Changing the clocks  

Twice a year because years ago someone thought this was a good idea certain places decided to put the clocks either back or forward an hour.
Now depending entirely on where you live this still happens .In the Spring or Fall we go through the routine of changing the clocks.

I really think it is a bit silly. Do you want dark mornings or dark evenings? It depends on your lifestyle. If you like dark mornings why not leave the clocks set on Summertime. If you like the dark evenings set it on standard time. Have a vote and I can almost guarantee it will come out 50/50.
So now we go on from year to year.
The most sensible clock in our house

We have many more clocks these days and some are very difficult to reset. I'm glad I don't have to do it as I am sure I'd leave most of them the same way and just remember that those clocks run an hour late or fast. Maybe I'd only have one clock except for the one on the computer which seems to reset itself. Wonderful!!

I know twice a year my poor dogs and cats think I am definitely not going to feed them today as the time comes and I don't get their food ready. They hover and meow until the correct hour for feeding finally comes and they can relax. This goes on for quite a few days until their interior clocks get reset .

Now is this really fair to the poor pets??

1 comment:

  1. I think I have got to an age when I dn't mind what time it is
    as LNG as I can get out of bed in the morning!
