Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Fighting the leaves

Fighting the leaves
The leaf shredder

As many of you know we live on an acre of land which has mostly large trees. They are mostly deciduous oak trees with a scattering of ceder elms and other naturally occurring trees of this Cross Timbers area of Texas.
We love our trees and in the 8 years nowthat we have lived here, we have tried to keep them all healthy and we have enjoyed them. They are just great in the hot Texas summer as they provide lots of cooling shade which in turn keeps the house cool as well. They are pretty in Winter when the snow occasionally covers them .They are just lovely in the Spring with the fresh green leaves appearing.

But at this time of the year I can't say I love them as we just get heaps of falling leaves everywhere. These trees have leaves that do change color but not much. The ceder elms go a yellowish shade and occasionally the Bradford pear trees will tun a reddish brown but the oak leaves mostly go a dull brown if they go any color at all. Mostly all they do is blow down and even though I now leave them where they fall there are always some areas I just have to clear up so we can walk on clear paths .

Last year I thought I had found the answer. I bought an electric leaf shredder.
It really is very efficient. It is almost easy to use. I say that as I can set it up by myself and turn a switch and it will start.. I don't have to yell for help to pull cords or unscrew things so in that respect it is fine. There are drawbacks though , It has to be a fairly calm day. I have to have old clothes on and I don't have to mind being covering in a fine dirty dust by the time I finish.
If I keep at it I can make mountains of finely churned up leaves which later I can spread as mulch or compost.
Although sometimes I do wonder just why I go to all the bother!!


  1. I wonder why you go to all that bother, leaves rot and go back to becoming trees, or flowers, or veges! I only complain when they in through the back door,

  2. Wow Shirley that looks like a lot of hard work! being positive though the trees are worth
    looking after for the shade you get in summer.
