Friday, January 18, 2013

And this is Pug....

And this is Pug...

We have always had pets at our house, In fact I really can't imagine our house without them. At the present time we have 5 cats and 2 dogs. Most now are elderly. All have very different personalities and all are very much loved.
Pug , not a dog, but a cute little brown and white cat , was given this name as she has a wide face and big eyes and a very definite, obstinate character in fact just like a pug dog. We acquired her after she had been rescued from a bad domestic situation and taken into foster care. Although she was young , probably under a year and very tiny she had already had one litter of kittens and was in bad shape. In foster care she became healthy once again. She was quickly vetted , spayed and given all her shorts , tested and deemed ready for adoption to a new home. That went well but in a few weeks we began getting calls from the adopter, “This cat is pulling out all her fur. What shall we do.? '
A visit to the vet,tests , different treatments , a variety of food and medicines and a lot of dollars later, she was still pulling out her hair and no one could figure out why. So back she came into foster care where she was passed around to each foster home where she would look okay again for a short while only to start the hair pulling again. A hard decision was made to put her to sleep. She was considered unadoptable.
I couldn't stand that. I said “No.Let's give her a chance.Bring her to my house and we will let her do her thing, live inside or outside and eat whatever and just lets see how it goes. I'll adopt her.” ( I really didn't need another cat but that's how it goes.)
Well strangely enough we did just that .She came and went as she liked and lived mostly outside, was not very sociable, kept to herself and surprising enough flourished. Her coat grew back thick and lush and in the 15 years or so we have had her she has been just fine. I guess it was some kind of stress related disorder.
She turned out to be a most interesting cat. She loves water. We only have to turn the sprinklers on and there will be Pug sitting under the sprinkler head soaked to the skin. She is a very tiny cat probably weighing about 6 lbs now and people often think she is a kitten. She is close to 16 now and grows thinner by the day. Not that she doesn't eat . She does. She loves all kinds of food but eats only a very small amount at a time. She sits and watches every mouthful I eat at lunch and will beg for food.It hasn't changed her activity level. She still jumps and runs about and that's maybe why everyone thinks she is a kitten.
She has always been pretty feisty. Small as she is , she rules the house and will even go for Bud the large shepherd especially if she thinks he is getting food instead of her. None of the other cats mess with her. They wouldn't dare !
Add Pug and Mocha ( Bud at the back)

These days she spends a lot of time sleeping with Mocha her special doggy friend.
She is a great cat.I am so glad she wasn't put to sleep. She has given us lots of pleasure and we will miss her when she eventually goes. Hopefully not for a long time yet.


  1. Inspiring story and a lovely little cat, she looks so fresh!

  2. Hi Shirley, really love this story cats have many qualities that fit their personalities.
    This little one is beautiful and a real determined one, love her eyes
    sort of feel sorry for the dogs !
