Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Soup Day, Beef Noodle Soup

Soup Day Beef Noodles Soup

This soup is just what it says it is basically a beef soup with added noodles. What makes it interesting is the added veggies and spices. It has ginger ,garlic and cloves with a dash of soy sauce and of course the noodles are cooked in the broth and so get the flavor of the soup.The veggies are varied but the colors of the spinach and carrots add to the interesting look.

Mike had added egg noodles rather than the plain noodles and they were tasty.
It is a somewhat delicate light soup with a thin broth but I felt the flavors had not sufficiently matured. This might be a better soup either cooked for longer or eaten on the second day. Mike gave it an 8 and I gave it a 7; Our friends Ros and Agnes who came to visit with us seemed to enjoy it although Agnes says she does prefer thicker type soups. My only preference is to have a smooth soup either thick or thin.

We started out with wheat bread dipped in olive oil and balsamic vinegar always a pleasure Then we had our soup, with much discussion on the various ingredients. 

Then to finish we tried my experimental cookies which I had baked this morning, sweet potato and pecan cookies. You can see the recipe here.

They were, shall we say ,“interesting' neither sweet or spicy but edible and finished off the meal just fine.

Another very pleasant soup day enjoyed with friends.

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