Sunday, October 27, 2013

Waiting for the leaves to change

Waiting for the leaves to change

Usually by this time of year the leaves have started to change color and I always love seeing the lovely Autumnal colors. I guess I started looking too early this year .
I was convinced I would see them as we drove up to Canada or at least on the way back. That didn't happen as we never completed that trip,
Our yard and area is still very green looking and has been helped to stay that way as we have not had any really cold days or nights so far and also we have had a moderate amount of rain to keep the trees looking fresh.

When we went south on our road trip to Austin I kept my eyes open as we traveled on some very pretty country roads but not a sign of leaf change yet.
Then when I got home and looked out at the Bradford pear tree at the side of the garage , what did I see but ONE leaf that had started to change color but looked as if it couldn't make up it's mind about whether it had started too early.

I guess it did because it was the only one in our yard.

1 comment:

  1. Most of the leaves here are now sprinkled all over the lawns and sidewalks, always enjoyed walking through piles of leaves.
