Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Fireworks on the 4th of July

Fireworks on the 4th of July
The Statue of Liberty reopens tomorrow after being repaired

I have to start by saying I am not really a fan of fireworks. I like the big professional displays and will “Ooh and Ahh” with the rest of the people but the fireworks lit off by just about anyone in various places, leave me cold and even angry sometimes.
All the big cities it seems as well as Washington set up the lovely huge displays on July 4th and even some larger towns and cities. Unfortunately for us our little town has an ordinance that let's people set off fireworks on their own property but it mustn't go on anyone else's land. Obviously this is an ordinance that can’t be controlled. We always end up with the ends of rockets in our yard. Every year for a couple of days before June 4th ,then on June 4th ,and then on and off for a week after June 4th ,all around us we have bangs and the occasional zipping noise as a rocket fires off into the night. The dogs just hate it and so do I. It has nothing to do with celebrating July 4th .I hate it on New Years Day, on kid's birthdays and the other times as well.
There is a good reason for this I think. When I was young the fireworks could be bought around Guy Fawkes day, a celebration in November in England. On that day bonfires would be lit and people would gather to sing songs, cheer on the Guy that was burning and throw , you have probably guessed it, Fireworks. I was young and it frightened me badly.
The only other experience I can remember was when my girl guide group had a firework party. I must have been about 12 at the time. We all brought fireworks and dropped them into a cardboard box and then the leader was going to set them off in an orderly way as the party got going. It just so happened that a spark from the very first one that was set off fell into the cardboard box and there was immediate action. It just exploded with so much noise and flaring lights and rockets going in all directions that it was a real miracle that no-one was hurt. We had all dived for cover as soon as the first bang went and kept our heads down for until darkness fell again. It was pretty scary I can tell you.
So I hope all the celebrations all go well tomorrow. I Hope people have a great time celebrating Independence Day . I hope we all have lots of good food to eat and friends to see and a good time. There will be lots of lovely parades,

That's the way it should be celebrated.
Happy Fourth everyone!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi, I agree Fireworks are scary things,especially Canada Day,I don't
    think the tradition is too bad here, usually the night before kids seem
    to have fun in there own way,but, generally it's pretty quiet after the
    celebrations . It really does frighten animals turning them into shaking
    and trying to find somewhere quiet! Phoebe scurries down into the
    basement when she hears the first bang.
