Monday, July 29, 2013

Golden Goblet in Sunset #1

Golden Goblet in Sunset #1  
My painting in watercolor

The challenge painting this month on paintanddrawtogether website was a very clever digital composition of photos combining a beautiful, if stormy sunset, shiny cloth and dark ribbon and a very ornate golden goblet.
It was definitely a challenge.
I started out using watercolors but soon found this was not going well. I wanted a light background but I couldn't get the goblet to stand out enough. So I then tried to darken the background which wasn't a good idea . It just got too muddy looking. The cloth was a big disaster as well as the folds were all in the wrong place .Also the composition itself was off because I had placed the goblet too far to the left.The goblet itself was complicated to paint with all the filigree and shine. I shall look on this challenge as a good learning experience.
Mike reckons if you stand a long way away from it it looks okay. That's my feeling as well.

Here is the original photo of the challenge.

So after a while thinking about it I decided to start over and paint another edition but this time use acrylic paint.

I'll show you that one tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Shirley, That looks a complicated picture and a good Job too,
    lots of fiddley bits to concentrate. look forward to t he next one
