Monday, July 1, 2013

A dowsing we will go,,,

A dowsing we will go,,,
Jo explaining the technique

When we visited with our friend Joe last week he showed us how to dowse.
Dowsing if you didn't know is the way some people are able to find hidden objects. It's a really old way to find water , precious gems, minerals erc.
Joe has studied this is some detail and because he lives out in the country and has occasionally had to find water and iron pipes lying under his yard has become very good at this very ancient art.

We needed to know how to do this because we also live in a preowned house and many of the wires and pipes are well hidden somewhere under the ground which causes problems as you can imagine if you have a water leak and don't know where all the pipes are located and therefore where to dig.

dowsing rods

So Joe set to and demonstrated how to dowse by holding a couple of wires .You walk slowly in a straight line with the sticks held loosely in each hand pointing straight forward. If you are directly over iron or a pipe or something hidden in the ground, the wires will come together and cross over each other all by themselves. I have no idea how it works but Joe showed us where he had dug up his yard and found iron pipes exactly where he had dowsed them to be.
Mike has a go

Then he gave both of us the wires to try and shall we say we had limited success. Maybe I was still trying to figure out in my mind “WHY?”
He kindly gave us a couple of wires and said “Try it when you get home”.
So a couple of days later, out we went into the front yard and first Mike walked over the area where he thought the water pipes might be. Limited success.
Then I tried and though I can't still believe it, the sticks crossed in both the places Mike had figured out where there should be pipes.

Of course we won't be exactly sure until Mike gets the shovel out and starts to dig. That will have to wait until the ground feel less like concrete or we get another water leak!! 
It was sure interesting to try.

Thanks Joe.

1 comment:

  1. We used to call that Divining, I once walked around a haunted house with a chap carrying a divining rod to find where the bodies were buried, couldn't tell if his twiches were magic or made!
