Saturday, January 19, 2013

Pug ignores Whimsey

If any of you remember back to last October and read my other blog, Mind Ramblings  I introduced you to Truly Whimsey .Well here he is again. He pops up when I have a vacuum in my brain I think.
Just in case you are wondering who True Whimsey is ( or TW) for short... he is this little figment of my imagination that helps write blogs, paint,  think creatively and figure out all kinds of  stuff. I bet you have a similar creature living in your head too.

Anyhow today he tried to introduce himself to Pug and Pug being the cat she is , didn't want to know anything about him even though he tried really hard

Cooper being quite the gentleman was much more talkative. He also thinks Pug is weird at times.

Many thanks for all the comments and emails sent to me commenting on my last plog about Pug the cat. I really appreciate hearing your thoughts. It helps me keep going on my daily quest of plogging!! I know many of you that read them but have trouble using the comment area so just send an email to

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