Saturday, June 29, 2013

Little Kandee

Little Kandee   

Today it was very hot like 98 degrees and we went out early to the Farmer's Market in Denton. Great place to visit early on a Saturday morning as you can buy lots of fresh veggies there. Then after we came home I did some outside watering and then had lunch.
I had been meaning to get up to my studio but I had forgotten to put the air conditioner on in there . If I don't do that the watercolor never keeps damp enough and neither do I.
So instead I decided to try again to do a sketch with water color pencils and do it indoors in my living room. Much more comfortable. I looked at some of my photos and saw one of little Kandee, a very tiny chihuahua mix. This is a very cute dog that my friend recently adopted from a shelter. I thought this would be a good practice to draw the fur and then add water to make the colors after which I did. The advantage with using the pencils is that you have lots more control. The disadvantage is color mixing is more difficult. I was pleased with the attempt but will probably do a painting as well to see if I can do better.
The pencils are fun to use especially on a hot day.

Makes a change from using the computer.

1 comment:

  1. A busy girl Shirley, any strawberries? cute little picture you did
    best indoors in the heat you have right now, we are 23 overcast.
    Nextdoors little house have 6 fellows working on cement blocks
    for the basement of the house. Italian they work hard and talk
    a lot!
    Watercolour pencils sounds interesting, relaxing too.
