Monday, November 11, 2013

Blue Jays LOVE to bathe

Blue Jays LOVE to bathe   

We have 2 bird baths in our yard and they are both well used. I try to keep them going with water but they dry out quickly in the summer and also one specific visitor uses a lot of water each time he takes a bath.

 We have a lot of blue jays living around here so I'm never sure if it is the same bird that loves the water but blue jays are constantly bathing and using the bath.

Here are some lovely photos Mike took of the birds in the bath.

All done!!

1 comment:

  1. Love your photos! looks like he's Havng a good time.
    Got up to Snow this morning just a nice covering, the sun is out. Akers everything look.lovely.
    even made Christmas puddings yesterday, November is going by quickly.
    John keeps bird feeder out just to make sure they have some feed.
