Saturday, November 9, 2013

The Last Plant of Summer

The Last Plant of Summer
photo by Mike

Just as I think no more new flowers until Spring especially with the arrival of frost coming in here mid week what do I find blooming in my yard but this beautiful flower.
This is a plant I bought about 2 years ago as a very small supposedly climbing vine.
I thought it would do nicely as a climber to an old patio umbrella skeleton we had in the garden.
The first year it just sat there. I covered it in leaves for the winter.
The second year as it sat there it grew a little. A very little. Then it was mostly eaten by grasshoppers .
This year it really did nothing until about July and then it got it's second wind and the stalks on the plant grew until they were about 2ft or so in length but still no sign of flowers and I had almost given up on it did seem as though it was flourishing.

Then this morning I saw these lovely red trumpet flowers so I guess it's a form of cultivated trumpet vine. It's a shame that the humming birds have already left. They would love these flowers.
I am so pleased it made it this year!!
I know about the wild trumpet vines as they grow along my back fence but were very sparse this year.

This one is much more beautiful

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