Sunday, November 10, 2013

Remembering Poppy Day

Remembering Poppy Day

In England the equivalent of the USA's veterans day is known as Poppy dayor Remembrance Day
I remember when we were little it was a badge of honor to wear a poppy on Remembrance Day as at that time people could still remember many of the brave soldiers of World War I & 2 as Grandpa Fred or Uncle Alfie and all families had been touched in some way by those wars.They were still very close in time.
The paper poppies were a symbol which you would buy and wear on that day.

I remember one year as part of the Girl Guide program to help,that I stood on the corner in rather cold and windy weather with a cardboard tray filled with cardboard poppies and a can to collect money for them. I was doing my part by helping to sell the poppies. It wasn't a hard job . Most everyone would have a few pennies to spare or even sometimes half a crown to add to the box and I would help them to pin a poppy on their jacket or coat. Sometimes you would see a tear come to a person' eye as they looked at the poppy and you would sense they were remembering someone who had been very special to them.

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