Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Thanksgiving thoughts

 I saw on facebook that many people were writing what they were thankful for and I thought this was a great idea.
We often go through life without doing that. So Thanksgiving Day is a good time to think about this.So often the things that are always there that make us feel good and happy are just taken for granted.
All in all I have had a pretty good life to be thankful for. .I have been blessed to have had wonderful people around me for the most part that make me truly grateful and very thankful for knowing them.
Those people have taught me true love, responsibility, creativity, humor independence, self reliance and many other things -too many to list.
I am very thankful for my family; for my husband, my boys my daughter in law my grandchildren and the many friends I have had throughout the years. It is a great feeling to know we all still feel like “Family”
I am thankful that I was taught to read at an early age and knew I could then discover the world for myself and enjoy the fun of reading other peoples stories.
I am thankful that I had the chance to live in 3 different countries so I could see for myself the different way people live but that in so many ways , all people want the same things
I am thankful that I developed a love of nature at an early age so I could appreciate the wonderful world around us.
I am thankful for all the wonderful dogs and cats that have filled my life and shown me their love and companionship.
I am thankful for the computer and internet because it has made the world a smaller place, where people can learn from each other and can know and understand other peoples thoughts
I probably could go on all day with things I am thankful for .
These are just a few

Happy Thanksgiving.

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