Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Flowers

Christmas Flowers

One of the lovely gifts I had for Christmas was a huge poinsettia plant or I should say plants ,because I think there are actually 3 separate plants in the pot. There are 2 red ones and one white one and as far as I know you don't get these plants with different colors on a single plant. It is about 2feet tall so it is indeed a large plant. I do hope I have more success than I have had in past at keeping poinsettias alive. I know some people manage to keep their plants going from year to year but mine usually don't make it much beyond January. I will have to check out the gardening books and do a better job.
Not many blossoms this year

The other plant that I have had success with in the past is a Christmas cactus. This plant was doing exceptionally well up to last Christmas with lots of blooms just at the right time. Over the summer it gradually started to lose stalks and leaves. I couldn't figure out if it was getting too hot or too wet or if it had caught a bug of some kind. So this year it is not so robust as it was in previous years. I am just hoping it regains it's zest for living and comes back to full growth next year.

It is such a beautiful plant.

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