Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Christmas Memories

Christmas Memories

After looking at the teddies yesterday I glanced up and there was the very ancient Christmas wall hanging that Trevor, our son, had made when he was in grade one in St Lambert school in Quebec, Canada. So it is now about 45 years old.
It sure looks like it as well. It is pretty dirty and some of the items are falling off.
Most people would have thrown it out years ago.
Not us.
It is one of those crafty things you make in primary school made with cut out cards and pieces of bow-tie spaghetti stuck on a piece of felt. The kids bring them home as a present or a surprise for their parents and you put it up on the wall and think how clever that is. When I was teaching I did similar things with the kids and I remember the fun they had making them and the mess!!
You tell the child thank you and the child beams and then forgets all about it. But the parent doesn't . So every year we unearth it from the Christmas box and hang it on the wall usually beside the fireplace.
This accounts for why it is so smudgy on one side.

The funny Santa decoration in the photo is one Trevor's wife Laura bought for us a few Christmases ago so it has some history as well. It is supposed to be a Christmas card hanger as you are to put the cards on the ribbons hanging down. We tried to do that when we first had it but sadly it didn't work too well so now it just comes out as a decoration and that's just fine with us.
It too is one of our memories.

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful keepsakes and happy memories, wish I had kept stuff like that!
